Fuel Recommendations

06 September 2023

What kind of fuel should I use in my Honda engine?

How can I avoid fuel related issues?

How long can I leave Gasoline in the tank?

What kind of problems can occur from gasoline?


What kind of fuel should I use in my Honda engine?

Honda engines are certified and designed to run on regular unleaded gasoline.
Always refer to your Honda owner’s manual for a list of recommended fuel and the current approved additives.

How can I avoid fuel related issues?

Specific guidelines vary by model.  However, in general, following these steps will help to prevent most fuel-related problems:

  1. Store your gasoline in a clean, plastic, sealed container approved for fuel storage. Close the vent (if equipped) when not in use and store the container away from direct sunlight.
  2. Keep your engine’s air filter properly serviced. Check it before each use.
  3. If you don’t plan to use your Honda power Products Engine for more than 30 days, follow the storage guidelines in your owner’s manual. You can also find general storage instructions for your engine here.

How long can I leave Gasoline in the tank?

The length of time that gasoline can be left in your fuel tank and carburetor without causing functional problems will vary depending on a variety of factors.

  1. Fuel formulations vary by region.  Depending on where you operate your engine, fuel may deteriorate and oxidize more rapidly (in as little as 15 days).  Please check with your servicing dealer for storage recommendations and precautions specific to your region.

factors include:

  • The air volume in a partially filled fuel tank promotes fuel deterioration.
  • Very warm storage, high humidity and variable temperatures accelerate fuel deterioration.
  • Fuel deterioration problems may occur in less than 30 days, particularly if the gasoline was stored in your portable fuel container for an extended period of time.  We recommend that you purchase fresh fuel from a busy, reputable gas station in a volume that will be used in less than 3 months.

Instructions regarding the maintenance and storage of your specific engine model are contained in the STORAGE section of your Honda owner's manual. This section covers all aspects of storage such as adding fuel stabilizer and draining the fuel tank and carburetor, as well as storage precautions and removal from storage.


What kind of problems can occur from old gasoline?

In storage, gasoline immediately starts to naturally oxidize and deteriorate.  The older it gets the more it deteriorates and the more likely it will cause hard starting and other performance issues that result from sticky deposits that clog the tiny passages in the fuel system.

If the gasoline in your fuel tank and carburetor has significantly deteriorated during storage, you may need to have the carburetor and other fuel system components serviced or replaced.


To help prevent water contamination problems when using a gasoline:

  • Keep your fuel tank and fuel storage tank filled with fresh fuel and out of direct sunlight.
  • Don’t purchase more fuel than will be used in a 3-month period.
  • Use a gas station with a reputation for quality fuel.


Honda Power Products menyediakan anda Mesin Serbaguna, generator, pemotong rumput, pemotong sikat, anakan, pompa air, dan Mesin tempel.

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