How Long Can the Generator Operate?

23 December 2022

How Long Can the Generator Operate

As a generator owner, Sobat Honda might be wondering how long a generator can be operated. Generator is source of providing back up electricity that can be use if black out. Initially generator only used for in large or commercial buildings. But lately many households have generator.

Every generation is designed with excellent because its functions as substitute of main electricity.  However, not all of generator have a same durability. In this article, Sobat Honda can get information the correct way to utilize generator. Check out the full review on below.

How Long Can the Generator Operate and Safe to Use?

Basically, each type of generator has a different operating time. Since every type of generator has a different amount fuel capacity and power, so for more details Sobat Honda can see following explanation.  

1. Open Type Generator

An open type of generator is a type of generator that doesn’t have a box cover. This causes the open type of generator noisier when used, so it’s only suitable to use in the soundproof building.

However, it’s not recommended to operate generator in a closed space because it can cause more quickly inoperable due to lack of oxygen supply.

Open type generator has the advantage of easier in maintenance and disassembly if needed. The open type of generator is in ready to use generator and equipped with control panel, fuel tank and muffler.

2. Inverter Generator

Inverter generator became one of the new technologies that allows users to receive the best electricity supplies. Inverter generators are made to make it easier and comfortable for users because they have compact size with a powerful engine. So this type of generator is suitable for buildings that are not too big, such as homes, small offices, and so on.

Compared to conventional generator, inverter generator has an advantage on fuel consumption which is more economical because it’s equipped with new technologies which is more environmentally friendly. In addition, inverter generator not too noisy and its equipped with engine cooling system.

Read also: Latest Honda Generator Price List January 2023

How to Take Care of Generator So It Can Last

Its not how long generator can operate safely that you must know, you also need to know how the correct way to maintain generator, so it can last.  Below are the proper ways to maintain the generator:

1. Checking Electrical Connections

The first step that you can take to keep your generator operated well is checking electrical connections.  Generators that not properly setting as it is, can be endanger to users, since generators is related to electricity. So, make sure generator in the proper set up for the stable electricity.

Read also: What Causes The Unstable Voltage Of Generator?

2. Using the Appropriate Cable

The quality of the cable can also affect the condition of your electrical devices and generator. So, it is important for Sobat Honda to choose the high quality of cable that appropriate on generator Use of unappropriated cables will bring serious problems.

The cable as the main part of the electricity distributor must be in good quality. If not, a short circuit will occur, and this can endanger Sobat Honda.

3. Paying Attention to Loads

When using a generator, you must make sure that the usage load matches with generator output, because the short circuit on the generator several times is caused by overload. Don't forget to place the generator in a good air circulation room to avoid overheated and troubled.

4. Follow Manual Book

When buying generator, there is usually a manual book that informed all the information of the generator, from how to use and maintenance. The manual book gives to Sobat Honda, so you must follow the guidelines in order to make generator more durable and safer to use.

As a user, it is not recommended to operate and maintain it carelessly, because generator had a high sensitivity, especially about electrical power. Lack of alertness while use or maintain generator can cause a risk of short circuit. So, make sure to follow the manual book.

Read also: Generator Maintenance Schedule (Weekly, Monthly, And Yearly)

So, does the information above answer Sobat Honda question about how long a generator can operate? Basically, durability of generator to operate not only based on capacity of fuel and power, but also the number of electronic and electrical devices that consume their power. The greater number of devices, the more limited the operating time.

Had a generator is a practice choice in order to provide power supply, there`s so many things that Sobat Honda need to know before buy generator, especially at output load. While choosing generator, make sure Sobat Honda check the quality and safety factor of generator, such as Honda Power Products.


Honda Power Products menyediakan anda Mesin Serbaguna, generator, pemotong rumput, pemotong sikat, anakan, pompa air, dan Mesin tempel.

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