13 Types of Electrical Equipment and Their Functions

31 March 2023

jenis alat kelistrikan dan fungsinya

Every house should be equipped with a variety of adequate electrical devices. Electricity is indeed a basic need for daily activities. Even not only at home but also in offices or other buildings. It is important for you to recognize each type of electrical tool and its function.

Comprehensive information about electrical devices allows you to map the placement of each tool in the room and according to its function. So it's not just following the directions and advice from the contractor. you can also determine where the best place is and the proper function of each of these electrical devices.

Sobat Honda must really understand and be active when you prepare house building planning so that it could make you comfortable. That's why it's very important to have good insight into many aspects of building a house, especially regarding electrical equipment.

Know the Various Types of Electrical Equipment and Their Functions

The intended electrical device you actually use every day. You will always use it several times a day to support various activities. Without much further introduction, just take a look at the power tools below.

1. Power Cable

Power Cable

The electric cable is the most important component for distribute electricity to various electronic devices. Warning! anyone can lose their life when they touch electricity without protection.

That is why power cables need to be covered with isolator materials so that the distribution of electric power remains safe and maintained. The electric cable is divided into several types and distinguished by the color of the cable used.

Usually these cables are sold in blue, black, red, white, yellow, green stripes, and so on. Using a variety of colors on the cable will help technicians find their uses when they want to channel.

Read also: What Causes The Unstable Voltage Of Generator?

2. Socket


Socket is an electrical tool that is often used by anyone and anywhere. When the smartphone battery is low, you will immediately take out the charger cable and then look for a power outlet.

Then when you want to heat rice in the rice cooker, you will plug the cable into the socket. So actually the socket has a very important function to distribute electricity from the center to various electronic devices when they are connected.

3. Plug


Previously you have learned about the socket that serves to distribute electrical power to various electronic devices. This time you will learn about what a plug is. This one component is useful for connecting an electric tool with electricity, plugged into the socket so that the electric tool can be used.

The plug itself is divided into several different forms with their respective uses. This type of plug is intended as:

  1. Ground plug
  2. Bent plug
  3. Adapter plug
  4. T plug
  5. Switch

4. Switch


Certainly, The switch is commonly know. You'll find them in square shapes on some of the walls of houses. The switch functions is to disconnect and connect electrical power to the lights that are installed throughout the house or building.

So you can turn on and off the lights according to your needs. You could say the existence of a switch helps people in managing their electricity usage every month.

5. Electrical Terminals

Electrical Terminals

As the name suggests, "electrical terminal", this electrical tools has many sockets that can be used to turn on various electronic devices at the same time. Electrical terminals will be very useful for distributing electricity when you want to charge or use other electronic devices at the same time.

If usually the location of the socket at home only has a few points that are not easy to reach, then an electric terminal can make it easier for you to stay connected to electric power.

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6. Fittings


fittings are electrical components that hang from the ceiling of the room. fitting is a place for the lights to turn on because they get the electricity they need.

Usually, every contractor and building worker will install fittings first so that later they can illuminate the room since the construction process.

7. Fuse


Fuse functions to maintain a stable electric current. Every flow of electric current that is connected to cables needs to be maintained so that it does not cause a short circuit or damage.

When the current is very large it is very possible for the electrical wires to melt when they can't hold it. Therefore the existence of a fuse or fuse is needed in every electrical circuit.

8. Electricity Meter

Electricity Meter

The electric meter is an electrical tool that is useful for calculating the electric power in the house as well as how much has been used. Usually this electricity meter will be a reference for PLN officers to determine the fees to be paid.

9. MBC (Miniature Circuit Breaker)

MBC (Miniature Circuit Breaker)

You will usually find the MCB on the inside of the house and it functions as a distributor and breaker of electric current to all parts. When the MCB is damaged it will be very dangerous when using electricity in the house.

10. Ground Wire

 Ground Wire

The ground wire is an electrical wire that is connected to the ground to protect every house and building from harm if a short circuit occurs at the meter. The ground wire is deliberately installed close to other electrical devices that have the potential for a short circuit.

11. Lightning Conductor

Lightning Conductor

Not much different from ground wires, lightning conductors are also very important to prevent short circuits, fires and other hazards due to lightning strikes that can occur at any time. Usually lightning conductors are used in tall buildings to minimize potential hazards.

12. Electrical Panel

Electrical Panel

The electrical panel functions to regulate the electric current that you want to flow to various machines or electronic devices. Generally, electrical panels are not placed in homes. You will find it when visiting tall buildings that use large capacity electricity.

13. Generators

genset sebagai salah satu jenis alat kelistrikan

Furthermore, there are generators that can provide additional electrical power to assist business operations or just for household use. The existence of a generator saves many activities that require electrical power, especially when there is a power outage from the center.

Read also: Recommendation Of The Best Silent Generator For Residential

So that's the various types of electrical devices and their functions that you need to know about. Every electrical tool that has been explained is really important in your daily life, isn't it?

Of the 13 types of electrical equipment available, generators are one tool that most people probably don't have. Even though this one tool is important as a backup power source for your home or building, friend Honda.

If you don't have a quality generator yet, just look at Honda Power. There are many types of generator products that you can choose according to capacity of electrical power needed. Take it easy because the quality of the driving machine uses a 4 stroke with superior materials.

Apart from that, you will not be disturbed by noise that is emitted because the noise is very low. Immediately find the best and most trusted generator according to your needs only at Honda Power Products!


Honda Power Products menyediakan anda Mesin Serbaguna, generator, pemotong rumput, pemotong sikat, anakan, pompa air, dan Mesin tempel.

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