


Engine Type

GP Series
GX Series
V-Twin Series




General Purpose Engine

Honda GX and GP series commercial grade engines are legendary. For reliable, easy-starting, fuel efficient performance, insist on a Honda GX and GP Series Engine.

Here Are 6 Ways to Choose a Good Compressor

Choosing a suitable compressor is essential for maximum usage. That's why Honda Power has prepared various ways to choose a good compressor. Read more here!

Five Ways to Increase Farming Yields

One effective way to increase agricultural yields is by maximizing agrarian technology, such as the Honda multipurpose machine for operating sprayers.

How to Make a Simple Coconut Grater Machine

Looking for an easy way to make a simple coconut grater machine? You can use a Honda power products and follow the steps in this article.

How Does Coconut Grater Machine Work?

Description: Using coconut grater machines makes coconut processing much more effortless. Find out how coconut grater machines work in this article.

Get to Know Ketinting, Transportation Equipment for Fishermen

Ketinting is a boat widely used by fishermen, especially those in water areas, as a means of transportation. Check the information here!

10 Types of Boats in Indonesia

Discover the types of boats used by Indonesian fishermen. Also, learn about versatile engines to optimize them. Read more here!

Understanding the Parts of a Paddy Thresher Machine

Don't get tricked into buying a poor-quality paddy thresher machine. That's why you should familiarize yourself with the parts of a paddy thresher machine so you won't be fooled again!

How Does a Paddy Thresher Work?

Understand how a paddy thresher works and relies on general-purpose engines for maximum paddy harvest. Read the complete information here!

