What is Organic Farming: Concept and Benefits

27 March 2023

apa itu pertanian organik

What is organic farming? Organic farming is a lifestyle currently on the rise, becoming an alternative for people who care about the environment and health. The concept of organic farming focuses on managing crops and land naturally without the use of harmful chemicals.

 As we all know, there have been many changes in nature lately due to environmental damage caused by various chemicals and pollution. The concept of organic farming offers a good solution to the environmental and health problems we face. 

In this article, we will discuss in more detail what organic farming is, the benefits of organic farming, and the differences between organic and non-organic farming. Make sure you read it all the way through.

Concept of Organic Farming

Organic farming is an agricultural system that uses natural principles and techniques in carrying out farming activities. This type of farming aims to produce high-quality, healthy, and environmentally friendly food without using harmful chemicals.

The concept of organic farming originates from the philosophy and traditional farming practices that emphasize the preservation of natural resources and the environment through natural methods. Organic farming believes that the natural environment must be in balance and not be influenced by chemicals and pesticides.

In organic farming, synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are allowed on some occasions, but in very limited quantities or preferably not at all. Instead, organic agriculture must use natural materials, especially in terms of fertilizers, such as compost, green manure, and organic waste fertilizer, as a source of nutrition for plants. 

This aims to maintain soil fertility and maintain the natural balance of the soil. Organic farming also pays attention to social and economic aspects of farming practices. Organic agriculture promotes sustainable farming practices and respects the rights of farmers and agricultural labourers.

In addition, organic farming also involves transparency and accountability, with farmers responsible for maintaining good farming standards and practices. Organic farming certification guarantees that the products produced meet strict standards and that farmers follow good farming practices.

The Benefits of Organic Farming

The advantages of implementing organic farming are not only for better quality and healthier agricultural products but also for various benefits for the environment, health, and economy. Here are some of the benefits that can be obtained from organic farming:

1. Environmental Protection

Environmental protection is an effort to preserve and maintain the quality of the living environment, including water, soil, air, flora, and fauna. The main goal of environmental protection is to ensure that the living environment remains healthy and productive for current and future generations.

Farmers use techniques such as crop rotation, natural predator populations' maintenance, and organic materials as fertilizer to help plants grow and prevent pest attacks. Therefore, it is necessary to go through each appropriate stage of the farming process while maintaining a natural balance in the agricultural ecosystem and ensuring that farming practices do not harm the environment.

Organic farming also involves sustainable farming practices, such as ensuring that farming practices do not harm the soil, water, and air and that the resulting products are of high quality. It ensures that the living environment remains healthy and productive for current and future generations.

2. Food Quality

Agricultural products produced from organic farming are healthier and of higher quality, because they do not contain harmful chemicals. It means our food will be more nutritious and have a more natural taste. In addition, organic farming guarantees that the plants and animals produced are treated well and fairly, which will positively affect the food quality.

3. Agricultural Partnership and Economy

Organic farming promotes agricultural partnership and local economic development. Organic agriculture helps increase farmers' income and strengthen the local economy by ensuring that money stays within the community. 

In addition, organic farming also helps maintain the national economy by ensuring that domestic agricultural products remain competitive in the global market.

4. Soil Fertility

Organic farming promotes natural soil fertility by using environmentally friendly farming techniques such as crop rotation, natural pest control, and the use of organic materials as fertilizer. This means that the soil remains fertile and productive for years, ensuring that farming can continue sustainably.

5. Farmer Health

Organic farming promotes farmer health by avoiding the use of harmful chemicals. The use of pesticides and chemicals in non-organic farming can cause the residue to be exposed to the food that will be consumed. 

Studies have shown that long-term pesticide exposure can increase the risk of cancer. On the other hand, organic farming uses natural methods to prevent pests and strengthen the soil ecosystem, minimizing the risk of exposure to harmful chemicals.

The Difference between Organic and Non-Organic Farming

Organic and non-organic farming have significant differences in terms of techniques, products, and environmental impacts. Here are some of the key differences between organic and non-organic farming:

1. Use of Pesticides and Chemical Fertilizers

Non-organic farming uses pesticides and chemical fertilizers to control pests and accelerate plant growth. Meanwhile, organic farming uses natural farming techniques such as crop rotation, biological pest control, and organic materials as fertilizers. Using pesticides and chemical fertilizers in non-organic farming can negatively impact the environment and human health.

2. Product Quality

Agricultural products from non-organic farming often contain pesticides and chemical fertilizers residues. On the other hand, organic agricultural products are guaranteed to be free from harmful chemicals and are of higher quality and healthier. Additionally, organic farming ensures that the plants and animals produced are treated well and fairly, positively affecting food quality.

3. Environmental Impact

Non-organic farming can harm the environment such as water, soil, and air pollution caused by pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Meanwhile, organic farming promotes environmental preservation by avoiding harmful chemicals and promoting soil fertility. 

In realizing this environmental impact, organic farming must carry out all agricultural processes naturally through appropriate techniques and safe, supporting materials, such as harmless natural fertilizers for both soil and crops.

4. Farming System

Non-organic farming emphasizes mass production and cost efficiency using intensive farming techniques. Meanwhile, organic farming emphasizes environmental preservation and product quality using natural and sustainable farming techniques.

5. Product Price

Agricultural products from non-organic farming are often cheaper than organic agrarian products due to lower production costs. On the other hand, organic agricultural products have higher prices due to more complex production processes and higher production costs. However, many people are willing to pay a higher price for organic farm products due to their belief in the quality and safety of the products.

Does the above article help you to provide an answer about what organic farming is? As we know, organic farming is the best farming system from all sides. Overall, organic farming solves the environmental and health problems we face today. Through a focus on natural farming techniques, organic farming provides sustainable environmental and public health benefits.

However, in carrying out organic farming, it is important to have quality and reliable farming equipment to support your farming activities. One of the agricultural technology products that you can consider is the Honda Power Tiller F300 tractor.

Honda Power has various reliable and quality agricultural products with technology that ensures your efficiency and productivity in running organic farming systems. Therefore, complement your agricultural technology with tractors from Honda Power Products to maximize the potential of organic farming.

Do not hesitate to visit Honda Power to learn about its various products and find the best and most reliable tractor according to your needs. Find the best and most reliable tractor according to your needs only at Honda Power Products.


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