Dealer Incentive Trip 2017 " Proud to be Honda - Amazing Japan"

Dealer Incentive Trip 2017 " Proud to be Honda - Amazing Japan"

21 December 2017

Jakarta, the sole distributor of Honda Power Products in Indonesia (HPPI), treated its dealers to a 9-day 8-night incentive trip (from 17th to 25th November) to Japan. For this year trip Theme “Proud to be Honda – Amazing Japan”.  The visit to HONDA KUMAMOTO FACTORY was the highlight of the trip.

It is our tradition to reward our dealers who have been working hard with us and reached a certain sales target in the previous year. And this year 2017, our dealers who achieved targets in 2016 were on a rewarding trip with us to Japan.

Apart from the Honda Kumamoto Factory, the dealers visited many places of interest, including

Fukuoka – Huis Ten Bosch, Nagasaki Atomic Bomb, Nagasaki Peace Park, Sand Bath, Mount Aso, Hell of Valley, Mount Fuji, Tokyo Sky Tree, Asakusa Temple & Nakamise Street

Thanks again for making this happen and we look forward to see more and more valuable dealers join us in 2018 and years ahead.