Go Green Action of Honda Power Products Indonesia

Go Green Action of Honda Power Products Indonesia

17 February 2020

The tragedy of Mount Merapi on October 26, 2010 in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, leaves a true sad story. In addition to the deaths of hundreds victims, the eruption that accompanied by the release of hot clouds, destroy all ecosystem in the affected area. Hundreds of thousands of living trees were vanish. In Kinahrejo, Umbulharjo Village, District of Cangkringan, which is the residence of Merapi Mount Caretaker, Mbah Maridjan,  all trees in the area were scorched and leaving only barren land. The recovery process really takes a long time.

PT Honda Power Products Indonesia, as part of the Honda Group Company, was called up to help with the recovery process by organize social activities, tree plantation. A small thing that have great expectation to contribute in greening a small part of the area that remained untouched. The activity was carried out on Saturday, November 23, 2019, by delivering 200 Jati tree seeds and 100 Sengon trees seeds to the local community leader, Bp. Samijo, to plant.

"No matter how small our contribution is, hopefully it can be useful for residents," said Mr. Feindy Boedy Prakoso (HR, GA & GP Department Head) when he give opening speech, as Company representation and all employees that attend the event.

The activity, themed "Go Green Action - Save Our Earth for Next Generation", was also intended to contribute to the global tree planting program held by the Honda group in the Asia Oceania region, covering 11 countries and 23 branches. [hsd]